Project HOLISTIC Objectives

Wildlife protectionOverall objective is to support the sustainable joint management of natural resources through the prevention of forest fires and to support the sustainable use of biomass through the protection of valuable natural resources, while in the same time developing the cross-border cooperation of the areas.
Purpose of this project is to apply set of measures for forest fire prevention and to implement an efficient forest fire monitoring system. This will strengthen the cooperation of the cross border partners, improve the infrastructure in fire surveillance domain and set up the forest fire detection within the cross border area and the protocols for the flow of information.
The general strategic objective is the prevention and mitigation of the natural risks, with special focus on wildfire risks, trough the improvement, promotion and strengthening of institutional capabilities in implementing policies, procedures and coordination mechanisms aiming at reducing the causes of potential start of natural breakdown as well as at improving the prevention and mitigation activity.
The project provides actions related to earthquakes risk aimed at establishing a permanent instrument for preventing, controlling and managing strategic public buildings from earthquakes’ damage risk.
The specific objectives are:
1. To develop joint management policies of fire protection based on preventive measures in order to minimize fire risks.
2. To promote the use and implementation of advanced Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in integrated management of fire hazards risk.
3. To improve accessibility and utilization of static and dynamic spatial data about terrestrial, meteorological and sociological features related to fire hazards and firefighting policy.
4. To establish mechanisms for educational and research networking and capacity building in order to promote international cooperation, knowledge transfer and research related to natural risks from wildfires.
5. To define joint risk assessment techniques in order to establish a permanent instrument for preventing, controlling and managing the risk and the predictable emergencies that may damage natural and cultural heritage and public buildings.
6. To develop cross-border sustainable forest management policies in order to reduce wildfire risk by fuel reduction and activate a financial sustainable wood life-cycle process.
7. To improve the preventive behaviour of specific user groups of natural heritages, school age people and adults.
The project aims to achieve this goal trough the development of an indirect prevention campaign by information, education and awareness campaign addressed to the various target group ad users of natural heritages.